XXL Dog Grooming
XXL dogs can be a lot to handle – but don’t worry, we can make sure we can groom your big dog with our calm and professional approach.
Our salon creates a peaceful environment for your grand pooch, come and see for yourself.
Is my dog an “XXL dog”?
We classify small dogs as anything from 45kg+.
Nail Trim
Nail clip
Nail Dremel
Nail clip and dremel
Poodle Feet
Fully clipped out poodle feet without groom
Poodle Feet with groom
Fully clipped out poodle feet with a groom
Face Trim
Face trim and tidy up
Flea wash
Flea wash due to seeing live fleas
Medicated wash
Medicated wash where skin issues are present
Wet Clip
Wet Clip due to matting with groom
Aggressive Behaviour
$10 per 10 mins
Extra charge for Aggressive behaviour / 10mins
Nagayu Spa treatment
$15 with groom
Nagayu treatment as an add on to a groom service.